Kollywood’s newest couple actors Suriya and Jyotika will become parents today, as the young mother-to-be was admitted to the Apollo First Med hospital on Poonamalee High road for her delivery on August 9 itself, a few days before her due date which was August 13.
According to sources in the hospital, Suriya’s family was very keen that the first grandchild be born on Friday, August 10 as all Fridays during the Aadi month are considered very auspicious. It is believed that Jyotika may have to undergo a C-section, which has been scheduled for the morning of August 10, before rahu kalam, which is between 10.30 am to 12 noon.
There are rumours that according the the scan, the couple may be expecting twins, but the news could not be confirmed as family members are being very tight-lipped about the delivery. The hospital premises are out of bounds for media and fans, only family member are being allowed inside. Suriya has cancelled all his shoots and outdoor schedules so that he can be present in Chennai for the delivery.
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